T203 Nodojiman Competition

Details for the upcoming Japan Competition:

You must be available between September 4th through September 12th. This is a great way to experience the excellence of the Japanese Culture through your skills in music. This is a world competition and does not offer any salary. It does cover full expenses including round trip flight, hotel, some meals and transportation while you are in Japan. Unfortunately, those who went before and won, cannot return to this September Nodojiman because you are still within the winning year.

The slots include 3 females, and two tenors, or one tenor and one baritone or bass.

This is also a prelude to be able to be selected as a part of  the Glory Gospel Singers full professional Japan tour this coming November thru December because you will have had the Japanese experience to be able to jump in and sing our regular Japanese repertoire phonetically and skillfully. This project by itself makes you studious and studious people are a preference. A level of high "character" is also a preference. This is a nationally televised performance where your attire and image needs to be professional as well as formal.

  • You must immediately submit a video of you singing a Japanese song beyond something too simple. We do need to see your ability to adapt to the fluency of another language. This video should not be more than 3 minutes long. Deadline is July 28, 2015

SEND YOUR VIDEO TO mjllc7@gmail.com immediately. If you have questions you may direct them to TMC Cortney Richardson cortneyinspires@gmail.com and TMC Selena Scudder selenascudder@ymail.com

  • After you submit your video you will be interviewed by one of our TMC (Tour Managers Council Members)

You will be representing The D&P company, and we need you to have a "winners" attitude, based on the fact that you "studied" to show yourself approved.

Please continue to pray for our day to day travel for the France T202 tour.

God Bless,

Phyliss McKoy Joubert

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